Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Women and cellulite

Many women are worried about cellulite. To prevent and treat cellulite, we must consider three aspects: healthy diet, exercise and proper skin hydration (Rosales, 2014).

The exercise stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation during the muscle contraction (Rosales 2014).

Therefore, to prevent and treat it, we must perform different types of exercises such as:
  • Aerobic exercise:
    • Performing 20-30 minutes everyday activities as walking, running, swimming, biking, etc. (Rosales, 2014).
Photo 1 taken from correryfitness.com
Photo 1 taken from correryfitness.com
  • Strength exercise:
    • Performing strength exercises 3-5 times per week and 20 minutes per session.(Rosales, 2014).

Photo 2 taken from sportlife.es
For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Rosales Ricardo, Y. (2014). Masaje y ejercicios físicos en casos con paniculopatía edemato-fibro esclerótica en la atención primaria. Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas, 13(3), 475-486.


  1. Absolutly agree
    Great article

  2. Anonymous13 May, 2015

    I agree , women are very interested in this topic . Congratulations
