Thursday, 30 April 2015

How can I be more elastic?

In this post I'm going to talk about to gain elasticity. There're two ways of gaining flexibility, both of them are equally appropiate but we have to take into account when we use them. Coming up next I'll explain both methods and their variantes:

Ways of training flexibility
  • Static method:
    • Simple -> the individual makes no contribution, contraction is performed by an agent external. Gradual , smooth and sustained tension is performed. The dynamic portion of muscle spindles are adapted to the new position thereof decreases discharge acting on the Golgi tendon organ (GTO ) by reducing the reflection of It allows further relaxation and contraction . Programs 8 weeks minimum ( Chang 2000 ).
    • Bob Anderson (1984) -> The movement begins by adopting a certain position until you feel a mild tension for 10-30 ' ' . Relax maintaining the position . You will reach a new level of tension holding the new position of 10-30" more. Throughout the process steady breath control is maintained and the starting position slowly recovered.
    • PNF (Propioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation, Kabat 1949):
  1. Reach the maximum passive range of movement.
  2. Isometric during 3-6" + brief relaxation.
  3. Reach the maximum passive range of movement.
  4. Perform this cycle 3-4 sets and 3 times/week.

  • Dynamic method:
    • Dynamic range of motion (DROM) -> without exceeding the ROM and controlling it everytime. The amplitude it is achieved by the contraction of muscles antagonists action.
    • Ballistic -> They are those that are made through releases, oscillations ( swings ) and rebounding running close maximum range of motion . They must be made with caution, once our body has warmed.
Concluding, if we have someone to help us then we will perform PNF since it's the best method to gain elasticity. But, in the contrary case we will if we haven't got someone to help us the we will choose simple methods. Dynamic methods must be perform at the end of the session or when our body has previously carried out some  exercise.

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Course notes Sport planning. Teacher Carmen Manchado. University of Alicante.

Physical exercise: Pregnant women (VII)

In this post I'm going to talk about those physical activities or sport thats a pregnant women mustn't perform and conversely those yes.

On the one hand, we have those activities that mustn't perform:
  • Mountaineering
  • Athletics
  • Motorsports
  • Combat sports
  • Water skiing
  • Soccer
  • Hockey
  • Rugby
  • Diving
  • Surfing

Why this sports? Well, pregnant women should take into account that those activities or sports that involve changes of pace, physical contact, blows with others, loss of balancel, etc. are dangerous to the feto, therefore they must avoid theses activities.

On the other hand, we have those activities that perform is recomended:

Go walking
  • Walking
  • Physical activity programs aimed
  • Water sports
  • Cycling
  • Running ( if you have a good physical condition and start before the 3rd quarter.)
  • Weightlifting

Intensity: moderate aerobic (Barakat, 2002)-> 50-55% CFmax (140 beats per second)
Duration: activities like walking can last 1 hour without any problem, but others like water sports, weightlifting no more than  35-40 minutes.
Frequency: it's important to be constant so that we can improve our physical condition. Perform physical activity at least 3 days per week.

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Barakat, R. (2006). El ejercicio físico durante el embarazo. Programas de actividad física en gestantes.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Body pump

Body pump class

The body pump is a fitness activity that works both anaerobic and aerobic aspect of exercise and makes it quite complete, and therefore offers a variety of benefits.

It works many muscle groups, so it is quite recommended exercise for toning. In addition, it is an exercise that provides great calorie intake and thus be easier to maintain your ideal weight.

With the pump body aerobic work capacity, so it´s an exercise to maintain cardiovascular system and thus fit, prevent the possible emergence of diseases such as diabetes or obesity.

On the other hand, the body pump helps strengthen back muscles and facilitates maintain proper posture also helps to increase bone density and strengthen your joints. Finally, this exercise will help to release tension and stress management.

Although it should be noted that there is an activity for everyone and presents some contraindications to be taken into account.

Being a stress test, it isn´t suitable for people suffering from back problems, cervical or knee. It isn´t recommended for women who are pregnant.

For any question, don´t hesítate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Be in shape: Part I

Photo taken from
Training gym and feminine aesthetic , is so booming or more like the male training . But what do the women seek performing physical activity? Primarily enhance their femininity.

And, how can we get that objective? Well, we have to highlight those parts of the body's most important women and reducing the percentage of fat. Furter more, we have to workout hips, inner thigh, CORE, triceps and especially the work of buttocks.

It's important to know that testosterone is one of the hormones responsible for more strength and increased muscle mass, and in man's daily output is 20 times higher than in women and their concentration in plasma is 10 times higher in men than in women , Louis Southren and Gordon G ( 1967).

So, women don't have to be afraid of gaining excessive muscle mass because of this.

And now the most important part, the exercises:
  1. They have to be global, namely, it must involve more than one muscle group.
  2. ADVICE: Circuit performed to avoid monotony.
  3. Perform 10-15 repetitions and 2 set per exercise.
  4. Maximum six sets per muscle group.
  5. 30'' of resting time per exercise.
  6. You should not feel pain at any time.
  7. Exercise supervised by a professional.
  8. In case of any pathology present medical consent.
For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Louis Southren A., Gordon G. (May 1967). «Mean Plasma Concentration, Metabolic Clearance and Basal Plasma Production Rates of Testosterone in Normal Young Men and Women Using a Constant Infusion Procedure: Effect of Time of Day and Plasma Concentration on the Metabolic Clearance Rate of Testosterone». The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 27 (5): pp. 686–694.

Fun with ZUMBA

Zumba class

Not matter what the exercise, but the goal is to practice physical activity. Zumba is a fun way of physical exercise . More and more women attending this type of class .

But what 's the ZUMBA? It is a mixture of Latin rhythms ("salsa, merengue, flamenco and bachata") and aerobics . Performing zumba, we can tone our muscles .

The main objective of the zumba is that attendees enjoy the exercise , have fun and feeling good about themselves and, above all , to be happy ; to attend the exercise classes were a real feast .

Like any discipline that is based on aerobic exercises, Zumba benefits for our body are numerous. Among them they are mainly weight loss by burning calories and improving our physical condition and tone.

Not to mention that when we practice , as occurs with most exercise, but more on the fun Zumba freed endorphins, which are the key hormones in enhancing happiness , reduce stress and improve our self-esteem

Zumba is an exercise that everyone can practice, at first prove complicated as some steps can be somewhat complex , but if you miss continued ... remember the important thing is to exercise! Do not worry, that over all classes will better.

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Physical exercise: Crossfit

Nowadays there're many physical activity trends yoga, pilates, zumba, combat dances, lift weights, etc. In this post I'm going to talk about the crossfit. It's a type a physical activity that it's based in military training. It consists in perform exercises in the shortest time possible.

Photo taken from:
It's important to know that before beginning to do crossfit we have to have a good physical condition since crossfit is cataloged as a high intensity traning (HIT).

Well, the aim of this post is to show you how a crossfit program along with the paleolithic diet changed the body composition of 23 men and 20 women that performed a 10 weeks workout.

Main characteristics of subjects

Men's post characteristics (upper part) / Women's characteristics (low part)
The reserchers concluded that with this training (crossfit) we obtein similar changes as with doing HIT training. 

As I said at the begining, it's important our physical condition so we can perform correctly the exercises we have to do.

Below is an example of what I leave is the crossfit.

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Smith M, Sommer A, Starkoff B, Steven T. Crossfit-based intensity power training improves maximal aerobic fitness and body composition. J Strength Cond Res. 2013 Publish ahead of print DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e318289e59f

Legs's workout: Which exercises should I choose?

There are many exercises that we can perform to exercise lower limbs, but not all of them have the same effect in our muscles. Also it's important to know the way of doing correctly the exercises we are going to do.

In this post I'm going to show which exercises should we choose to workout our quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteus.

Ebeen y cols. (2010) made a research about this. They tried to find out the best exercise for each muscular group. Then they proposed four exercises that have to be performed by sixteen women, that exercises were:

  1. Barbell squat (1)
  2. Dead lift (2)
  3. Rise to the stage (3)
  4. Squat lunge (4)

Barbell squat

Dead lift

Rise to the stage

Squat lunge
The results were:
  1. Exercises 3 and 4 were better for working out gluteus medius, gluteus maximus and vastus medialis (internal).
  2. Exercise 1 for working out rectus femoris.
  3. Exercises 1, 3 and 4 for working out vastus lateralis (external).
  4. Exercise 2 it's the best for working out hamstrings.

It's important to know that the the review doesn't specify how to do the exercises, the intensity and the speed.

We will continue writing about the correct way of performing this exercises.

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Ebben, W.P. (2009). Hamstring activation during lower body resistance training exercises. 
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 4(1), 84-87.

Ebben, W.P., Feldmann, C., Mitsche, D., Dayne, A., Knetzger, K., & Alexander, P. (2009). 

Quadriceps and hamstring activation and ratios of lower body resistance training exercises. 
International Journal of Sports Medicine, 30, 1-7 

Monday, 27 April 2015

Yoga for health

Yoga is the joining together of our body with our mind while this union of our being with the cosmos and the state of our entire body in harmony, both physical, mental and spiritual level.
Yoga has different benefits, one of them is the increased flexibility. This is one of the basic physical qualities that less work.

Photo taken from

Increased muscle tone and strength is one of the main benefits of Yoga. The asanas are postures to be maintained for long periods of time: this involves isometric contractions of the muscles, core for strength gains.

In the event that we practice a dynamic Yoga, cardio training will be another benefit you get from this discipline. Even if we exercise a traditional, slower Yoga, the rhythm of our breathing is basic to perform the movements correctly. Thus, the heart will be strengthened and our body better oxygenated.

Another benefit of yoga is peace of mind and spirit that gives us. The connection between body, mind and spirit, preparing for meditation, Yoga becomes a lifestyle that involves living in harmony with everything around us.

Finally, there are other benefits to practicing Yoga:

  • Strengthens bones
  • You sleep better
  • Streamline the mind
  • Combat stress
  • More flexibility and joint mobility
  • Protects the Heart
  • Improves symptoms of osteoarthritis
  • Take care silhouette
Then we show a 3D video of a human body by doing yoga and seen from X-rays:

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Physical exercise: Pregnant women (VI)

There are many risks during pregnancy, and one of them is the obesity. It's related to problems of premature birth, hypertension and gestational diabetes (Callaway & col., 2006; Doherty & col., 2006). Thus, there are also risks to the  baby like perinatal death, congenital anomalies, birth injury and macrosomia (Callaway & col., 2006; Doherty & col., 2006; Martínez-Frías & col., 2005; Henriksen, 2006).

So, as I said in the previous posts of this aim performing prescribed physical exercise it's really important for pregnant and newborn's health.

 Pic 1: Gestational obesity
Picture 1: Gestational obesity

It's proved that the pregnant women that have been performing prescribed aerobic physical exercise during the whole  pregnancy have less body weight than others pregnant women that haven't performed it (Kramer, 2002). In this way, we can reduce the percentage of suffering hypertension, sickness, leg cramps,stomach ache, etc. (Morris y Johnson, 2005).

As conclusion, it's really important to take control of the body weight during pregnancy so that we can reduce unnecessary risks.

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading

Callaway, L.K., Prins, J.B., Chang, A.M. y McIntyre, H.D. (2006). The prevalence and impact of overweight and obesity in an Australian obstetric population. Medical Journal of Australia, 184 (2), 56–59.

Doherty, D.A., Magann, E.F., Francis, J., Morrison, J.C. y Newnham, J.P. (2006). Pre pregnancy body mass index and pregnancy outcomes. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 95 (3),242–247.

Henriksen, T. (2006). Nutrition and pregnancy outcome. Nutrition Review, 64(5), 19–23.
Kramer, M.S. (2002). Aerobic exercise for women during pregnancy. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2, CD000180.

Martínez-Frias, M.L., Frias, J.P., Bermejo, E., Rodriguez-Pinilla, E., Prieto, L. y Frias, J.L. (2005). Pre-gestational maternal body mass index predicts an increased risk of congenital malformations in infants of mothers with gestational diabetes. Diabetic Medicine, 22 (6), 775–781.

Morris, S.N. y Johnson, N.R. (2005). Exercise during pregnancy: a critical appraisal of the literature. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 50, 181-188.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Physical activity during menstruation

Photo taken from

How many women do not exercise because they have menstruation? Think is the best remedy? stay stop the pain of thumb is a mistake: the best remedy is to activate the body.

The American College Of Sport Medicine (ACSM, 2005) states that: "Physical activity or exercise during your period of insurance is also beneficial because of its ability to alleviate both pre-menstrual symptoms like cramps and cramps"

But ... why does it hurt when I have the rule?
The inner lining of the uterus releases prostaglandins that cause colic, causing contraction of the uterine muscles, which doubles the pain. What exercise do you paint in all this? By exercising increases blood flow and levels of endorphins, which are both the body's natural painkillers and mood boosters.
And if you're also prone to bloating or constipation, exercise is doubly useful because it relieves abdominal pressure. Just be sure to drink enough water: the end of the day, when we lose more fluid regulation. So while you think of staying home and do not feel like lifting a finger, going to the gym these days is more rewarding than you think.

These are some of benefits of physical exercise during menstruation:
  • Helps reduce fluid retention.
  • Increases the secretion of hormones opiates (endorphins), which helps reduce pain perception.
  • In general, people who train develop greater tolerance and resistance to pain.
  • The practice of regular physical activity helps reduce the severity of symptoms in the premenstrual and menstrual period.
  • Exercise, if it entertaining, fun, interesting ... helps reduce anxiety and other psychological manifestations.
  • Exercise has a social component as well as stressing and motivating.

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading

ACSM. (2005). Manual ACSM para la Valoración y Prescripción del Ejercicio. Barcelona. Paidotribo.

Quality of life

To have a good quality of life throughout life there are two important factors that are healthy diet and physical activity. Most diseases have a genetic basis, but the lifestyle of the individual is the factor that determines which condition may develop over the years.

Physically active people enjoy a better quality of life, suffering fewer limitations normally associated with chronic diseases and aging; You are also benefiting from increased life expectancy. Improving our lifestyle, the risks of cardiovascular disease and cancer, the leading causes of mortality in humanity are reduced.

Physical exercise has several benefits, such increases psychological wellbeing and improves our mood, enhances self-esteem, self-confidence and generate further increases self control.

It´s important to promote the practice of sport and physical activity at all ages, as it involves positive changes in personal, immediately after doing some kind of sport. It is proven to reduce anxiety disorders and depression.

Physical activity and sport are synonymous with health, expresses values ​​of life, joy, desire for progress, freedom, and movement, sharing, socializing, all these aspects are personal and group enrichment.

Photo taken from

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Concurrent training

As we all know there're many ways of training some better than others deppending on the goal.Today I'm going to talk  about the concurrent training.

Nowadays, people don't have enough time to workout because of the work, family, etc. So, when we're in the gym we must  seize time as long as possible. A way to get this is with this training.

You performed concurrent training when you combine strength and cardiovascular workout. It's accepted by all associations and international organizations related to health and fitness that people should perform both cardio (aerobic endurance) to improve related to the heart and lungs, such as strength training , to improve muscle strength.

Pic 1: taken from

But there's a problem, there're not enough information about this way of training and results in people are different. I mean, there're people who gain strenght changes whereas that others lose (Scarfó, 2013).

I'm going to show a type of concurrent training that works in untrained women that were 39-64 years (mid-old aged):
  • Twice per week -> Strenght training
    • 4 legs exercise (front and back part of the thigh and calves)
    • 2 CORE exercises (abdominal and lumbar)
    • 4 de T. Superior (arms, shoulders, chets and back)
      • 3-4 series, 1'-3' rest.
        • 1º cycle (7 weeks): 15–20 rep al 40–60% 1MR*
        • 2º cycle (7 weeks): 10-12 rep al 60-80% 1MR*
        • 3º cycle (7 weeks): 6-8 rep al 70-90% 1MR*
*MR-> maximun repetition: maximun weight for a repetition (1 rep. with 220 lb = 100% 1MR // 10 rep. with 110 lb = 50% 1MR).
  • Twice per week -> Cardiovascular training (cycle ergometer)
    • 1º cycle (7 weeks): 1º day = 30’ mid intensity 60-70% maxCF(week 0 to 4) // 2º day = 10’ high intensity - 80-90% maxCF (semanas 5-7)
    • 2º ciclo (7 weeks): 1º day = 60’ mid intensity 60-70% maxCF(week 0 to 4) // 2º day = 45’ interval training (3' 80-90% maxCF - 2' 60-70% maxCF) x8 series
    • 3º ciclo (7 weeks): 1º day= 75’- 90’ mid intensity 60-70% maxCF // 2º day = 50-60’ interval training (3' 80-90% maxCF - 2' 60-70% maxCF) x10-12 series.
The results led to marked improvements in muscle strength and maximum pedaling power.

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Scarfó R. (2013). El entrenamiento concurrente de Fuerza y Resistencia: una buena alternativa para mejorar la salud y el fitness?. G-SE.
Scarfó R. (2014). Entrenamiento Concurrente en Mujeres: efectos sobre Composición corporal, hormonas, fitness y salud metabólica. G-SE.


Over the years, our body undergoes changes, and one of the changes that occur in women is the onset of menopause. With the emergence of this, there are some physical changes and one of them is the appearance of osteoporosis: loss of bone mass.To do work hard to protect against osteoporosis recommend, since one of the benefits is the stimulation of the cells that generate bone mass.

Photo1 taken from

Muscle mass undergoes changes and gradually lose strength, so that strength training is important to work with. It also suffers the pelvic floor muscles, which can work with Kegel exercises or Pilates.
For all those who are not yet menopausal age, remember that exercise both strength and cardiovascular practiced regularly is one of the factors that influence the age of onset of menopause. Physical activity is a good way to keep all our young body.

Photo2 taken from

To this end some tips on exercise in menopause:

  • Always consult your doctor before starting to play sports or exercise, especially if you are sedentary, overweight or chronically ill.
  • Always perform preheat for about 10 minutes before starting the exercise to prevent injury.
  • After the workout should also spend some time stretching and relaxation.
  • For good results should be constant and practice exercise, even just walking, every day or almost every day, for at least 20 or 30 minutes.

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Training buttocks

There are many women who are concerned about this area of ​​the body, and to do so in this post we will recommend some exercises to improve the buttocks.

How many times have you heard say, want to put the hard "ass"? Well, everything has its work, and therefore there are no miracles. Nor should we focus only on a body area, you have to work all the muscles in a balanced way. We must also work the legs, abdominals, arms and not just settle for having a good buttock.

Many excuses for training is time, but there are exercises to perform them at home or anywhere without going to a gym. Thus, there is no excuse for training.

Some of the exercises to train and improve the buttocks, are jumping exercises and athletic exercises. These are easy to make and not machines, so you can include it in a workout routine to do at home.

Below we provide some training exercises for buttocks:
  • Squats
  • Striding or "lunges"
  • Hip Extension: quadruped, forearms on the floor, knees supported and extend the leg back.
  • Stairs  or 'steps': Go up stairs  or use a step  in your home.

Photo taken from

  • Jumping jacks: Starting Position Stand with your arms close to your hips. Then we jump spreading her legs while carrying arms above the head, slapping. Then back to the starting position.
  • Mountain climbers: Supports separate arms on the floor, put the trunk in parallel is the same movement that run, but without leaving the site.
  • Lift heels
  • High knees: Running on site, without moving. Lift your knees and arms frequency.
Remember all training to be effective must be constant. Therefore, creating a workout routine.

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Physical exercise: Pregnant women (V)

What about exercise in water? We are always talking about exercises that are performed in land, but there're others ways of making it and one is in the water. You can perform several physical activities modalities such as pilates, yoga and dance without any type of risk; for this reason it's so atractive. 

So, in this post I'm going to talk about doing physical activity in the water.

How can you begin doing it? Nowadays there's a boom of doing physical activity, so it won't be rare if your closer gym it's offering this activity. I recommend to join it.

The benefits of performing physical activity at the pool are:

- It's easier to keep balanced.
- There's no impact at floor contact.
- You can perform more repetitions due to fleets.
- It's not necessary having a good physical condition to begin performing it.
- The water slows the movment, so it's difficult to make sudden movements.
- Activates blood circulation and promotes the rehabilitation of breathing and posture.
- It reduces lumbar pain

Here there's an axample of a class:

We will continue writing about this issue in the next posts.

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Information taken from:

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Physical exercise: Pregnant women (IV)

In this new post I'm going to talk about the moment that the women must stop doing physical activity. According to the American Congress of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (ACOG) when the woman has the following symptons must stop physical activity:
  1. Vaginal bleeding
  2. Dyspnea before exercise
  3. Dizziness
  4. Headache
  5. Chest pein
  6. Muscle weakness
  7. Swelling in gastroctemius (twins)
  8. Premature birth
  9. Decrease in fetal movement
  10. Leakage of amniotic fluid
If we don't take into account this symptons the women and her fetus can be in risk. As I said in the preovious posts it's really important to contact with a professional physical activity and having the assessment of your medic.

Every so often makes a medical review to knows if the pregnant develops correctly.

In the next post I'll talk about neuromusculars fitness programs. Don't forget that we focus our posts  in pregnant women. 

We will continue writing about this issue in the next posts.

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Barakat, R., Alonso, G., & Rojo, J. J. (2005). Ejercicio físico durante el embarazo y su relación con los tiempos de las etapas del parto. Progresos de Obstetricia y Ginecología, 48(2), 61-68.

Clapp III, J. F. (2009). Does exercise training during pregnancy affect gestational age?. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 19(3), 241-243.

Body image and physical activity

Many women who want to look their body image, but really aren´t aware of the importance of physical activity. Just want to look a great body in a short time, even some believe that a simple diet or eating less will get a perfect body.

Photo1 taken from 

Some studies have confirmed that athletes have lower percentage of fat and / or lower body mass index (Huddy and Cash, 1997; Waaler, 1998), because through physical activity develop a lean, muscular body and form and therefore closer to the aesthetic (Rodin and Larson, 1992).

Furthermore, according to a study (Camacho, Fernandez & Rodríguez, 2006), confirms that there is a relationship between body image and the type of sport practiced regularly, so are those FITNESS activities that focus to improving physical appearance. While more recreational activities associated with a healthier life style regardless of body image.
On the other hand, physical activity increases the functional capacity, and seeks to overcome adversity and prevent from existence. Also, is linked to the aesthetics of body language, aiming a perception of better self esteem and recognize the fact in his own body the ideal image.

Photo2 taken from

Therefore, we must give importance to physical activity for body image, but not just to have a good body but also to better our quality of life. Through physical exercise improve physical and psychological level.

In my opinion, we should not only physical exercise to improve our body, there are many benefits it provides physical activity. What are you waiting for?

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Camacho, M.J., Fernández, E., Rodríguez, M. (2006). Imagen corporal y práctica de actividad física en las chicas adolescentes: Incidencia de la modalidad deportiva. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte. 3 (2), 1-19.

Huddy, D.G. & Cash, T.F. (1997). Body-image attitudes among male marathon runners: a controlled comparative study. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 28, 227-236.

Rodin, J y Larson, L. (1992) Social factors and the ideal body shape. En K.D. Brownell, J. Rodin, y J.H.Wilmore, (Eds.) Eating, body, weight and performance in athletes. Disorders of modern society (pp. 146-158). Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.

Waaler, N. (1998). Body image and physical activity. A survey among Norwegian men and women. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 29, 339- 365.Williams, P.A. & Cash, T.F. (2001). Effect of a circuit weight training program on the body images of college students. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 30, 75-82.

Physical exercise: Pregnant women (III)

In this post I'm going to talk about cardiovascular prescription during pregnancy. First of all, it's important to know wich is the level of physical activity that the women performed before pregnancy.Thus, we have three levels; previously sedentary pregnant, previously active pregnant and previously athletic pregnant. Once we now that, we need the medical consent so we can perform physical activity. 

Right after, I'm going to show an action protocol of each case:

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recomend 30 minutes of moderate intensity; 5 days per week. It's important to know that, as we increase excercise's time and intensity the risk of having pregnancy complications. So, right after I'll show a guidline of work out:

Aerobic exercise
1º  Tri of pregnancy
2º Tri of pregnancy
3º Tri of pregnancy
2-3 per week
2-4 per week (5 to active womens)
2-3 per week
10-20 min
20-30 min
30 min
Very low impact -> swim, walk, nordic walk.
Low impact -> fast walk, footing, cycling, swim.
Very low impact and with few postural changes. Avoid being long time in standing position -> cycling, swim.
12-14 RPE (relative perceived exertion)  Borg (6-20)

Picture 2: Non athlet work out guidelines.

Picture 3: RPE Borg

Click to download PARmed-Xpreg

We will continue writing about this issue in the next posts.

For any question, don't hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.

Thanks for reading.

Barakat, R., Alonso, G., & Rojo, J. J. (2005). Ejercicio físico durante el embarazo y su relación con los tiempos de las etapas del parto. Progresos de Obstetricia y Ginecología, 48(2), 61-68.

Mata, F., Chulvi, I., & Roig, J. R. (2010). Prescripción del ejercicio físico durante el embarazo. Revista andaluza de medicina del deporte, (2), 68-79.