As Morales, Gómez- Hair, González- Aguero, Casajús, Ara, & Vicente - Rodriguez (2013 ) say, the aging is a natural physiological process associated with different changes, among which is a drop in fitness he says.
One of the changes that occur in women is the onset of menopause and has seen that a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects among this population.
Physical activity continuously and regularly improves muscle strength , increase lean mass, strengthens bones, increases coordination and neuromotor response, etc. On the other hand , practice regular physical activity can improve fitness among older people and thus better quality of life for people.
Photo taken from
So if we relate fitness and physical inactivity , one can say that a sedentary lifestyle has a negative influence on the physical condition of postmenopausal women .
Since a low level of fitness it is related to various diseases and with reduced mobility , women should reduce sedentary time in older women in order to ensure the maintenance of physical fitness as much as possible and thereby reduce the negative consequences of the aging process. (Morales, Gómez- Hair, González- Aguero, Casajús, Ara, & Vicente - Rodriguez, 2013).
All women is recommended who practice physical activity regularly , regardless of age, since this provides many benefits as physical , biological and psychological as we have seen in other post.
For any question, don´t hesitate asking us. We will be glad to help you out with any doubt you have.
Thanks for reading.
Morales, S., Gómez-Cabello, A., González-Agüero, A., Casajús, J. A., Ara, I., & Vicente-Rodríguez, G. (2013). Sedentarismo y condición física en mujeres postmenopáusicas. Nutrición Hospitalaria, 28(4), 1053-1059